Try Badminton at the complex?

We have dedicated hours for Badminton –

10am to 11am Tuesdays and Fridays            €3 Members    

8pm to 9pm    Thursdays                                €5 Members     

Or you can check for availability and hire a court @ €5

Why not try Badminton here at the Complex?

If you’re an early bird then come along on Tuesday and Friday mornings from 10 to 11am.

It’s also on Thursday evenings from 8 to 9pm.

If you have a few friends and want to play outside of these hours just contact reception and they will be able to let you know the available slots.


  • Tuesdays & Fridays 10 – 11am
  • €3 Members 
  • Thursdays 8 – 9pm
  • €5 Members 
  • Adults – Mixed
  • Equipment Provided
Badminton in Progress


The many Benefits to Badminton

indoor Badminton

Badminton offers a whole host of benefits ranging from increasing life expectancy added mobility to promoting health and exercise for all ages and abilities. Badminton is a Complete Body Workout

Playing a game of badminton can help you burn excess calories. The many movements, twists and lunges provide a powerful cardio workout by engaging the entire body.


1. Exercising and Socialising in small groups.

For adults, it’s recommend taking 30 minutes of exercise, five times a week.  Badminton is a fun and flexible sport that can be enjoyed around your a work schedule. Our courts are available to hire during the day, in the evenings and on weekends.

2. Improves Your Mental Health

Regular physical activity helps to release our natural feel good happy hormones, endorphins. In turn, this can help reduce depression, anxiety and stress and improve our overall mood and sleep.

3. Heart Health

A healthy heart is essential to ensure your body functions correctly and properly. Badminton decreases the levels of cholesterol, which can block your blood vessels and improves the levels of good cholesterol. This leads to a reduced risk of high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.

4. Badminton Helps Reduce Health Risks

It can reduce the risks of developing type two diabetes as an adult. It reduces the production of sugar in the liver, which in turn reduces the body’s fasting blood sugar.

5. Improved Life Expectancy

Badminton can increase your life expectancy by approx six years. Football can increase life expectancy by more than four years, while cycling, swimming and jogging can each boost life expectancy by over three years.

6. Improved Mobility

As we get older we lose our mobility gradually and we become more limited. We can prevent this by ensuring we lubricate our joints by keeping up with our fitness regime and remaining active. It also helps to minimise the risk of arthritis and other joint issues.